Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's Not A Dream

Kinda feel like I need to pinch myself...this is not a dream.  Remission.  It's real!!

I slept like a rock Friday night.  Woke up Saturday and felt ready to be "normal" again.....slowly. 

I was feeling strong enough and not bad joint pain so I was able to see my precious Amanda Lynn get married to her sweetie, Tim.  I have known Amanda since she was 9 when she moved to FL just a few short months after I did....and I was her teacher.  Amanda is very dear to me.  So I was so happy to be there to see this big day for her.  And to see my Carmen...looking so beautiful.  Ah, the whole Ramiz family...they had a big day and I was happy to be there.  My girls had a blast and danced the night away until they literally passed out. 

Sunday I got to visit with Jen and Brendan....who were here for our marathon weekend.  OOOPS- stupid lymphoma.   Instead we celebrated remission with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and tomorrow lunch at Chick-fil-A : ).  Love those two.  I wish we could see them more often.  Jen is gearing up for the NYC 1/2 Marathon March 18th.  So proud of her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please...have a few waffle fries for me! MAN, I miss CFA.

BTW, still doing the ptl happy dance.