Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekend Doings

Friday night Bob and I had a double date with Carmen and Tony.  We went to our favorite restaurant, Houston's.  Yum.  Ate too much.  Drank too much......and laughed a whole bunch.  We have a great new babysitter....and we came home to girls in bed sleeping and no dishes.  I love this gal so much and am so comfortable with her that we left without saying where we were going or what time we would be home.  NICE.

We decided Saturday to go to Sea World.  We are making the most out of our year passes!  It was not crowded by any means which means great seats for the shows.  Lina has seen the dolphin show probably 7 or 8 times in the past year....yet her face and "oh my"s are priceless.  Lydia takes it all in quietly.  Lila squeals "feesh" the whole time.

There is a great little aquarium in the park that is really done well.  The girls enjoyed being "in the tank"

Then Saturday night came.
Lydia and I usually spend the night together.  That is just the normal.  For now.  So I was in her bed and she started coughing and crying and WHAMMMMMO.  Threw up on me.  Niiiiiiiice.  Only be the grace of God- I didn't return the favor and after cleaning up 3 times we parked in front of the TV for  TinkerBell Lost Treasure (again) for a bit.  Finally that nonsense stopped about 4AM and we slept till 8.  Then Lydia took a 3 hour nap this afternoon.  She ate and kept everything in its proper place so I am praying it was just some sort of bug (and apparently her little friend Leah was sick and few others in class) that is gone and not to be shared!

Before that took place I braided Lina's hair in little braids and she slept in it.  Today she went to church with Bob and looked SO grown up.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Jenn, you are doing great with your blogging. I love seeing pictures of your beautiful girls and hearing about your days. Give Bob the camera sometime, okay? We want to see your smiling face too!