Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Low Down on my Day

I posted on facebook asking for a name of a good dentist.  I worked with a lady, Marge, years ago at Trinity.  We have kept in touch and I remembered our conversations of pure loathing of the dentist.

Marge gave me the name of her dentist and we talked this morning.  She assured me he was where to go and she would even call ahead for me.  Hey- whatever.  I will take it.  Marge has also offered to take me or watch the girls.  She understands.  Marge is a grandma with grandsons in another state and retired teacher.  She'll be great with either job!!

I called and got voicemail:
"Hi.  My name is Jennifer and I am not a patient.  Yet.  I have a problem and would like to make an appointment.  I am an absolute coward and hate the dentist, by the way".

I get a call back just 15 minutes later:
The yada yada information needed. "We have a new patient apt on Tuesday at 9.  Will that work"? 

Well, yea it WOULD work if I didn't have this hole in my mouth.

I shared that this was more of an emergency and had a 4:00 apt made and I just prayed a sitter for girls would work out.  It did.  By the answer of my dear friend, Carmen. 

I went by myself- which is HUGE.  The office staff were wonderful.  I blubbered through my sad story and awful experiences.  Got a hug (nice hygenist/assistant gal) and got x-rays.  I knew what was coming so it wasn't a big shocker.

There is an infection.  What is left of my tooth needs to be pulled (referred to a place for that next door).  Then we start an implant process.  OH.  GOOD.  6-9 months of constant apts and nonsense.  It's just so hard to arrange care for the girls.  THEN I am going to need a little drugs here and there so that is someone to "watch" me.  It is going to be a complete pain the neck.  It just inconveinces others and I hate doing that.  Plus my mom is coming on the 17th and I don't want to mess with this.  I want to just play.  Grrr.  Grr. Grrr.

But it's time to do this.  I have been monkeying around with this blasted tooth for 20 years!!!!  20 years!!!  I had a root canal in college.  Needed to have a re-root canal 12 years ago (THAT was a lot of fun).  Crown fell off/infection.  Blah blah blah.  Awful.  Just hate this.  So that's my story.  For today.

However a huge laugh of the day....Lands End bathing suits arrived yesterday.  I let Lydia try her ZUCCHINI on!!!  LOL!!  She loves her zucchini  BIKINI.  That girl.  She drives me to my limits most days, but she is a trip.

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