Well, look at me a post before August.
We hit summer with full force and I haven't looked at this blog ONCE. : ) Not that we are terribly busy, but I am totally enjoying a non schedule and really, so are the girls.
BUT I will recap for memory sake June and good golly July.
1st grade came to an end and was met with many tears....myself included.
Here is Lina with our sweet Ms. H and principal Mr. Moore (who is leaving to be a principal in the Grand Cayman Islands).
While Lina was finishing up her last school day- Lydia and I were busy decorating and getting ready for the beginning of summer once we came home with Lina!
Lydia took swimming lessons for 2 weeks and is a complete fish now. I wanted Lina to join the swim team, but her answer was, "I always lose". She is good swimmer just not a fast/strong stroke swimmer. Last year her school had a non competitive swim team and I hope they do again this year. I'd like her to try it and then next summer do the one for the city. We'll see. She does NOT like to lose but when you are the one who observes and THEN gets started on what's in front of you- well you aren't going to be first, Sister.
Lina and Lydia went to an art camp for a week also. It was with Lyd's 3 year old teacher and we are pleased to know now her 4 year old class teacher. So that was neat. Girls came home with some really nice projects.
Other days of June were filled with swimming, playing, and just hanging out. Lina sleeps till about 9:00 every morning. I can't wait till she is a teenager. Silly girl. She loves her sleep.
We did have a little baking birthday party for Lina at Carmen's house. (Side note- THIS is what Carmen needs to be doing- she was so great with the girls and the girls enjoyed themselves so much). They made 4 different batters, swam a bit, decorated cupcakes, ate lunch, and left with all kinds of fun baking treasures. It was a great birthday party and I am thankful for friends who want to help like that!
July 1 was Lina's 7th birthday and she and I enjoyed a morning at SeaWorld. We surprised her with a dolphin encounter/tour. It was pretty cool and has only fueled her passion for these amazing creatures and her desire to be a dolphin trainer one day.
So. July. We had the 4th of July was kind of uneventful. We had dinner down at church with the Poole's and then went to the rooftop to watch the fireworks from Lake Eola.
Here are the little firecrackers
Bob and I celebrated our 11th anniversary....with Tom and Ginger and their brood. Bob's mom had quadruple by pass 2 days earlier and Robert moved into an assited living facility. It was a rough week. It kind of continues to be rough. Not easy for anyone.
I started a Bible study this summer on Tuesday nights. It's Beth Moore's Esther and it's been great. I really look forward to the discussion, the homework, and video presentation. I needed to get my rear back in the Word so it has been great for me. We have 20 ladies that come. It's great! We are going to start Moore's Fruits of the Spirit in September. Good stuff!
Lila was discharged from physcial therapy. She is still a peanut. We have had various blood tests done and all comes back negative for anything to be concerned about. Still wish she had more meat on those bones.
Lydia has inherited the cholesterol gene. Let's see....me, Bob, her grandparents (maternal and paternal), and great grandmother all had this nonsense......and her level is over 300!!! Awful. She is seeing an endocronologist in August and a nutritionist. She is not a big eater as it is and we don't even eat fried foods. So big changes heading our whole grain way. : )
I have started to take losing weight seriously. I did this Medi weight-loss and dropped 10 lbs the first week. I am SO tempted to go back, but right now the $$ isn't right and I don't have the time to go to the clinic- I'd rather go to the Y which we have been doing. I have lost 14 lbs and have hidden the scale for awhile. I weigh myself like 6 times a day. Becoming a little obsessive. Such a pain. I hate messing with weight loss. I'd love to lose 50 lbs, but will be pleased as punch to lose 40. AND I hope to do this by my 20th HS reunion in October : )
I am SOOOO excited about the upcoming school year (except if Lina gets this one teacher- then I will be homeschooling- maybe- just pray that my girl is placed with the right teacher). We have a new principal is AWESOME. We made muffins one morning and brought them up to school...with some chocolate milk. He just talked with her and then finally asked her who I was. It was so sweet. He is great and has great plans for our school. I have also signed on for another year of PTA Exec Board. It's a great way to know what's going on at school, knowing who I want my kid to play with, knowing the teachers, and just generally being involved with the school. The Board is great- 6 ladies- 5 of us are real active in our churches and Christian ladies. I love finding Christ in places outside of church. I worked with another mom and we designed new school shirts. I need to get my tough skin on now though because if someone doesn't like them- it will tick me off. : )
Girls are in VBS this week. We worked on developing our own and I'd say it's going great. "Fruits of the Spirit" has been great. Some great people have really stepped up and made it a great week- efforts certainly have been blessed.
Ok. All caught up on summer. And there is a little more than 3 weeks left. WHA???? 3 weeks!! We are looking forward to a beach getaway (Dianne, Scott and kiddos are coming down and we are going to them) and my mom coming (MOM- did you get your ticket yet???) School starts on the 23rd for Lina. Lyd starts the following week. My baby girls....growing up!